Thursday, September 27, 2012

EMT Class

Sam started an EMT class yesterday which is held Tues - Thurs from 4:30 - 9 pm. Luckily, I am currently only working 3 days a week so I only have to work one of the days that Sam is in school. I will try to get him to post about the class... we shall see how that pans out.

Until now, the days that I have been home with Addison by myself have been very limited. I know that it isn't easy being home alone with children, but I honestly haven't had to experience it much yet.

Yesterday was quite a challenge. After a rough night of breastfeeding, I was still exhausted after a 3 hour morning nap. Sam left for school early - at around 1pm and Addison didn't give me a break all night. By around 3pm I had tried hard to soothe Addison without any luck. So, I decided to take her for a walk in the moby. Praise the moby - everyone should have one!! I walked down to Hayden Lake and back (which is apparently 3 miles round trip according to my nifty new walking app). She *was* calm most of the way, but only slept for about 10 minutes. Then, once I arrived back home, she insisted on being fed immediately, while I was starving myself (do moms always eat last?!). When I decided to take a long walk, I failed to realize that I still would need energy for a baby afterward. Sad, I know, that a three mile walk tuckered me out... in my defense, the walk did include a good amount of elevation change too. In any case, I was exhausted which made it even harder to make Addison happy.

Later in the evening I was frustrated again so I went over to the Oppligers, and Lindsay, who is always sooo sweet, offered me some delicious dinner and held my fussy baby. I am pretty sure Lindsay is the best cook I know. This time it was a combination of hers and Lydia's amazing skill that produced the best tostadas I have ever had! I am so thankful to have such awesome neighbors. Finally, Sam came home about 9:45 and Addison almost immediately fell asleep. Oh what a day!

Today was amazingly different. Sam watched Addison this morning so I could get a few work related things done and to give me a break before another evening by myself. After Sam left, I decided to walk again down to the lake. Addison fell asleep almost immediately and napped almost the whole time - about 45 mins. While I walked I found a Pandora station for toddlers and listed to the kid songs (such as 'You are my Sunshine' and 'Wheels on the Bus') so that I could later sing them to Addison. When we returned I was able to do some laundry while Addison sat upright for the first time in the boppy. I sang to her and it was wonderful. She was as sweet as can be. Then, when she became fussy I started listening to the lullabye station and it wasn't long before she fell asleep in the moby. Music can be the most beautiful thing - I couldn't have been happier holding my sleeping beauty and listening to soothing music.

I continued doing laundry and cleaning up the house (which, btw, makes me immensely happy!). Sam came home again around 9:30pm and was in an awesome mood from his first EMT lab. He insisted on trying the ventilator on me and blowing up my lungs - several times. He was especially interested in whether I could smell his taco breath thru the ventilator :). When I told him no, he got really excited and showed me the Heppa filter on the ventilator. Unfortunately, by the time Sam got home and we chatted for a bit, I had to get to sleep soon after. School night and all. It was a truly wonderful day, I wished it wouldn't end.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

So strong!

Addison is getting so strong! She has got the superman pose down.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Getting older

Today, Addison grabbed her bottle with both hands! She is just a baby, how is she already doing stuff like this??!

Apparently, she was fussy all day and pinned Daddy to the couch.

On a separate note, Daddy has become amazing super Dad and is on a mission to get a ton of stuff done around the house. I am impressed!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Busy Week

It's been a bit of a rough week, but we've enjoyed it. Addison is now very close to giggling, has started grabbing for her toes, and is happier than ever.

On Monday we headed to Spokane to take some furniture to my mom's new place and then to look around Spokane for a new place to live. Mom tagged along as we drove around Spokane and she totally entertained Addison the whole time. She even got her to almost giggle, it was adorable! After driving around, we headed back to my sister, April's place to enjoy an amazing rib eye steak prepared by my brother in law, Richard. Wow is all I an say!! I probably ate a 12oz steak and went back for more, it was incredible. Thank you Richard & April for feeding us!!

Tuesday morning, Sam woke up with a terrible cold. He had so much flem in his throat that he was vomiting :(. I made the executive decision to stay home for the morning and had a really hard time deciding whether or not to go to "work" in the afternoon for a golf tournament. Sam insisted that I go, so I headed out to go golfing at Manito in Spokane with my coworkers. It was hard to leave Sam at home with Addison, but I'm thankful that I got to attend because it was an absolutely beautiful day and I had such a great team. Thank you Moss Adams! I came home to Sam being such a trooper with Addison.

On Wednesday, Sam was still feeling bad, so I took Addison in to work with me. Mom took her for the morning and I had her at work in the afternoon for a few hours. I am so lucky to work for people who understand that I have a life outside of work that takes balance. Sam was thankful that he got some sleep and I was grateful for the extra time with my babe.

Thursday, Sam was feeling a bit better, so I scooted off to work. This is what they did while I was gone:

By Friday, both Addison and I were sick with Sam's cold :(. Addison still seemed chipper as ever, so we haven't been too worried, just a little runny nose and congestion. The doc said not to worry so long as she didn't have a fever and her cough didn't progress to something deeper - so far, so good. Sam spent the day cleaning the garage in preparation of moving and a garage sale, while I tried to not boss him around and help where I could while caring for Addison.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oppliger Fun! (Jen)

Today (Sunday), after a few chores, we are headed down to Tubbs Hill to take a little hike with the Oppligers. Sam is calling it a "nature walk" and is excited to teach the boys about the natural world. He has printed out a list of items that the boys have to find: a scavenger hunt of sorts. In addition, he has cleverly devised a treasure hunt. Two days ago he put pieces of a treasure map in the Oppliger home for Ian and Gregory to find and put together like a puzzle. Ian is especially excited about finding the buried treasure!

The "hike", a 2.2 mile walk around Tubbs, took 3 fabulous hours. We all had an absolutely wonderful time. I carried Addison in the front carried (the moby had been temporarily misplaced) all but the last 1/4 mile, and Lindsay carried Asher on her front most of the way. A couple of awesome mamas! Sam thoroughly entertained the boys and ever taught us grown ups a thing or two. The treasure hunt couldn't have gone better. Sam took us down to some "caves" down by the lake where the boys searched for the buried treasure. Ian couldn't have been more excited to find the cigar box full of coins, tokens, guitar pics and a note from the pirate, Samonsite the Indestructible, saying that he could keep the treasure. The note even included directions on how to find a rare blue stone (a polished cut of rock Sam had previously purchased) near the Dragons bed (the bluff behind our condo where the kids like to play). After they had found the treasure, everyone (except Addison and me) climbed up the rocks to check out the caves. On the way home, Ian was so excited for the rare blue rock and couldn't stop talking about the pirates.

The remainder of the evening was spent having a wonderful dinner of steak tacos provided by the very generous Oppligers. Thanks!!

What a great Sunday!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Childrearing challenges...(Jen)

That moment when your child stops fussing and latches... Priceless. Now I just wish I could figure out away for her to fall asleep aside from eating or being patted to sleep. Wish me luck!

Baby Wearing (Jen)

Just got done at Costco.... I love "baby wearing". Addison loves being carried in the moby, face front. She is only 9 weeks old, but her neck is so strong, I don't have to worry at all about her facing forward. She just hangs out there, content as can be while everyone passes by smiling and commenting on how little, how strong, how beautiful she is. I also have a sense of pride, carrying her close to me, where she is happy, where she can feel my closeness and love... instead of isolated in a car seat. Not to mention if you put the car seat on top of the cart, I can't hardly see over it! Now if I can figure out how to walk, shop, and breastfeed simultaneously, we will be set!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Another typical day (Jen)

My feelings about today are mixed. The day started dealing with bills.. And insurance. Unfortunately we are going to have to pay $2k more than expected for Addison's birth... Lame. No offense to anyone, but the system is screwed up. This is another reason I should not work so hard... Because almost 10% of my income this year went to medical bills....super lame.

However, I have an absolutely beautiful child to show for it!! Sam and I spent the day mostly paying bills and doing laundry, but the day ended with a hike down to the lake for some fishing and outdoor fun. Then some Daddy and Addy time - I have a video of Sam singing to Addison as she smiles at him. I haven't figured out how to upload that yet. - here is the YouTube link:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Addison is now 2 months old! (Jen)

Time sure does fly! Addison had her two month appointment yesterday - she is now 10lbs and 23 inches long! To be honest, I would have anticipated that she would weigh more by now. I probably have no need to worry, but I worry that she isn't eating enough. She's sleeping for long periods of time, frequently 5 hours at a time without eating. Last night she fell asleep at 9pm and woke up at 3:30am. I should be thrilled, right??! But instead, I am concerned. Doc said to wake her up during the day if she is sleeping for more than 3 hours so she can eat. I have a feeling she is related to my mother and me; she is a good sleeper! I hope she doesn't end up being such a good sleeper that she falls asleep in her food. Apparently, I used to do that. Last night she fell asleep on my lap after nursing, no patting required.