Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Busy Week

It's been a bit of a rough week, but we've enjoyed it. Addison is now very close to giggling, has started grabbing for her toes, and is happier than ever.

On Monday we headed to Spokane to take some furniture to my mom's new place and then to look around Spokane for a new place to live. Mom tagged along as we drove around Spokane and she totally entertained Addison the whole time. She even got her to almost giggle, it was adorable! After driving around, we headed back to my sister, April's place to enjoy an amazing rib eye steak prepared by my brother in law, Richard. Wow is all I an say!! I probably ate a 12oz steak and went back for more, it was incredible. Thank you Richard & April for feeding us!!

Tuesday morning, Sam woke up with a terrible cold. He had so much flem in his throat that he was vomiting :(. I made the executive decision to stay home for the morning and had a really hard time deciding whether or not to go to "work" in the afternoon for a golf tournament. Sam insisted that I go, so I headed out to go golfing at Manito in Spokane with my coworkers. It was hard to leave Sam at home with Addison, but I'm thankful that I got to attend because it was an absolutely beautiful day and I had such a great team. Thank you Moss Adams! I came home to Sam being such a trooper with Addison.

On Wednesday, Sam was still feeling bad, so I took Addison in to work with me. Mom took her for the morning and I had her at work in the afternoon for a few hours. I am so lucky to work for people who understand that I have a life outside of work that takes balance. Sam was thankful that he got some sleep and I was grateful for the extra time with my babe.

Thursday, Sam was feeling a bit better, so I scooted off to work. This is what they did while I was gone:

By Friday, both Addison and I were sick with Sam's cold :(. Addison still seemed chipper as ever, so we haven't been too worried, just a little runny nose and congestion. The doc said not to worry so long as she didn't have a fever and her cough didn't progress to something deeper - so far, so good. Sam spent the day cleaning the garage in preparation of moving and a garage sale, while I tried to not boss him around and help where I could while caring for Addison.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, there is no way the weather was cold enough to justify bundling that baby up in all that winter gear (I am in denial about the changing seasons. Denial I tell you!).
    Glad you two enjoyed dinner, and hey, when you do that garage sale, let us know, would ya? We have some stuff we would love to pile on your lawn if you will let us.
